Showing posts with label lyric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lyric. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Barn around the moon

 This old Carpenter

Built a barn around the moon

when the moon lurked low

give birth to some kids

with fire like the sun

come running

with a smile I call home 


old old song, old telephone

 When I think about your old old song

did you capture the sentiment

or did you create it

somewhere in between our line was created

old telephone

call that kid, and tell him 

theres a pouring light

through a roaring night

and all that was

is all that might

Thursday, April 14, 2022


  hey momma

i know ive put up some walls

but if you could tell me somethin

what would you say?

well I don't know

but i bet its about love

to feel what is rumbling

to see whats above

to open to the streets

and push when were shoved

the roar is all yours

the roar is all yours

Ive been aching these feet

watching these episodes

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

A Carpenters Plane

Did the block plane wear down to fit my hand just perfectly so, 
20 years after I bought it, sharpened it again and again, I know my hand has actually bent to fit it. There is a method of peeling away a consistent strip. Not too much, not too little. 
Is 100$ a lot to win? 
If I risk pennies. Zoom in, Large.
If I risk hundreds? Zoom out, small.
Was it a good life? if I count up all the things stored in my attic? 
 Or all the things I haven't. I have no war in my front yard.  I have no ache in my bones. Yet. 
Where does the game tree fork off into the abyss? 
We can all see the same things that we can grab with our hands. Right here right now. 
Embracing the other side is a beautiful venture. Keeps me here, as a kid with a kite. Cutting the wind. 
Line always moving, and in this moment, we cut right to it.

Friday, March 4, 2022


 its an endless journey

and arrogant for me to think that i will be somewhere in 200 years

but i will

filling that dark room with light

Friday, February 4, 2022

A large burning wooden elephant

Lay down

I will wrap you in blankets, and cut the lights

Fully in, swimming, silent, soon to dream, eyes still open

follow me once.

slide the vernier scale to the graduation

align the scope to the stake

drop a string from the tangent

and make a mark.

I started this project before knowing exactly why

Process is my elixer

most of the time.

Align the nights events with this allegory

Parlayed through wretched morning

I laid this old pickup truck to rest deep in a forest

and the first tree found its home

through the rust 

the same way purpose marries itself to our rib cage

the way ice cream finds its way to the smile

We didn't wait for the music this time

We opened our ears to a quiet winter forest

We Invited them

 after the party.

I went through one of the greatest creative periods of my life

the last few years.

However the last 2 years have been dry.

Frozen, my hands, my heart. 


I was in love. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Theatre for a sure woman

 Reconcile all of my loose ends

mend, weld, melt 

and let me

She is the silence in the crowd

Pale Blue dress, against red clouds

We explode from the gate

come running with the heaviest foot falls

pounding earth quaking


down our cheeks

to find a tiny square of land

on a sphere placed by the hand

tucked in warm amongst the heavens

riddled in sure before these stars

right here where we are.

2 blankets 1 music

1 bottle of wine

and a few things on our mind. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

July 2021

 Take this blue ember with you

There is a time coming

when this little painting will be all that i love

when Everything else is lowered, 

I walk waist level with the tops of the grain

drag my hands over the apexes of birds highest ascents

hold my hand shoulder level to block out the little sun balls glare

hold the watercolor high for vision

and let the pigment pour over me

Vanagons, Octagons, and Grand Canyon echo

Atlas maps, back door traps, White cloth perseco

Yeah my friends take me there.

my friends take me where

my heart feels warm

honeybees swarm

and ants come to candy

wet feet stick sandy

and the ice pulls the hand that cradles the drink

that cools your core.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Rust through my mind

a fence post leans, just enough to release the connection

and the wind comes

a pebble pings, just so to break the integument

and the rust comes

an aspersion pelts, dialed so to bring the ire

and the hate comes

who brought the thing

to make this thus?

who roars the the rhetoric 

that makes this us?

Rot turns the log eventually

my mind is here essentially

compromising my existence

rusting through my mind

No one else wants to say it

So I have to 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The New Heat

Off the hook, 
fumbling through younger years
when the heat comes, 
we can see through your lines
and this is the storm,

its calm and cool
the aroma of last nights rain wraps you in
gather your floating
towels, and sunshine collectors. 
Hints of the new heat
trickle in through the East trees
forever excited for the new day...
Blue Embers from last nights fire pit
stick to your ribs
like a 20 year old love letter
that  pours over your edges 

inside the light source
it is dark

But I see you buddy.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

somehow you know

You can't contain me
 I am the container
Bring guitars in your house 
And we'll entertain ya
Comin at ya with a new song
You haven't heard

But somehow you know the words

Fly from your feet
Sparkle from the inside
You can hold the strings
Of this kite, 
And kill the lights

This quiet glow is gonna shine all night
Yeah, this quiet glow is gonna shine all night

Thats why it breaks
Thats why we dance
Thats why u tell yourself 
theres a chance,
Sweet girl you smile
lightning you boom
when the night ends I'll
stand next to you

Monday, March 23, 2020

all ghost

 all ghosts now
aline your yellow and red markings
fully cloaked in blur
stand with the regiment,
fall in line with the wait
10 doors wide a sky scraper 
10 windows wide
1999 stories tall
in the night
you can tell the employed by the dark windows
you can smell the creative from the plume
the twilight warmth dissipates and gives way to payday
move, through ancient tubes
leaking sediment sludge
sewer fluid

retreat to a summer beach
all ghost now

aline the rib cages just so
a collection of neck bones
carefully arranged in a shadow box
flaunted in this museum of no roof
no doors, no foyer


world kind of feels like a riff
take it in let it live
set to be thrown away
colors pulse from the grip
sentiment drools from the lip
a ripple from the rip

stand back, be the kite
you put up in the lite
tug the string when you cry
come down to the line
where horizon meets the eye

float around in fast motion
see the constant sun rotation
a solid line horizontal 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

NOW a ghost

Time stands like an oak
This plumes indignant
I see you through transparent doors
(the distance were supposed to keep today...this mitigation)
I live with you now, Now,
as if you were a ghost
Im grateful for this
Calligo collection of calandar days

time mirrors from the time that you perish
future casket heres the fire we cherish
a Warmer jacket hugs, youll be there if
the twilight is warm enough.. but
this nights good enough to tough
it out...

Love you like the Summer loves snow
shining through   that honey jar glow
Ill carry your books to class
Answers before questions asked
and I just want a place to rest my heart...

Where can I start?

Monday, March 2, 2020

is that what it is?  a thousand terrible guitar performances  . individual... that sound like total dog shit together.. individual.. like ) however when i got home all of my tags where extruded all the way to the back of the house) i loi li li.. mo=arco esquyandolasz run run run run run rulkdns  djfoajdsofijasdiofjaosdijfaisjdfoiadoifj like a fucking antelope set the gear to the high gear of your soul
you got  my brother is on twitter talking about how you need mor efans to cool the computer down
cuz the box is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot. because Trey is in there; doin thangs.
i did  a neat trick
i switched between songs
thgo im stuck on antelope
and antelope again
i love yem
one fucking time

to beat the triceratops you gotta be the triceratops

Friday, January 31, 2020

Herre i am

this is the time
when i would never
ask for anyone
im alone 

that idea that you are

Monday, January 27, 2020

insecurely i sit here in my occupation
I make these flowers grow
I want to show you
I want you to feel my pride
live from my inside out 
drift from column to column
roll dice like i do at the game
smell funny from the start
but I grow these blossoms just the same 
im alive
and roar from the inside
 i make the wheel stop on the number I choose
Im dandruffed
nerd raged
electric in my distinction
and flourescent in my color

desolate land beneath me
colossus in size bequeath me 
 I am,
But I am sad
lonely and looking 
through lens
of pessimism
and wondering why this world doeasnt understand me

square box dj

Im here, in this square box
I get to play all the songs I love
imagine that
i ask you
draw a line between all the music the locals play
and the new
when you arrive
imagine all the fault line shifts you create
all the butterfly effect you have moving forward

let the difference permeate you
the new voice become your narrative
watch the nature channels voice 
new animals roaring over new land 
become your heart
let the rift become your identity
elephants roar from your deepest chord

you strum with the new curriculum
you strum with the ethos of tomorrow
you are the kite
flying the new truth