Sunday, December 23, 2018

Our own pretty lights.

Placed hands
carved gears
weather torn
dark fears
rusted bearings
broken rivets
fleeting smile
now forgiven
aching steel
peeling paint
tearing tissues
roaring vessels
seized engine
corroded wires
sewn stitches
WE all admire
were all searching for our
After a long day at the Foundry,
After a trying day with a broken machine
A hard cut and bruise on the knuckle..
punched clock.
and she is there
small and unassuming
ambitious yet to string the lights up
around a tree.
Carefully placed Tinsel 
only a 6 year old could do it this way
she hangs each decoration just so
to only about a 4 foot height.
You want to step in.. though she insists on showing you
She places the angel.. well short of the apex
tucked between branches
you open a beer
she tells you Santa wont mind
more tinsel
she throws it upward and it catches near the top.
Your eyes close for a second
so tired
she says some words
she says look daddy...
plugs it in

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